My PlayHome Plus is an app which combines all the content of My PlayHome, My PlayHome Stores, My PlayHome School & My PlayHome Hospital into one big app, as well as some new exclusive areas. As it's one giant app, there's no delay when moving to a different area making the gameplay more enjoyable. There's now also a map that allows you to jump quickly between areas.
My PlayHome Plus is free to download and comes with an entire house ready to play in at no extra cost.
It does cost money to get access to all the different areas in the game. Access can be bought with in-app Purchases from the store in the game. Press the shopping basket icon on the title page.
Buying access to an area will give you permanent access to it.
Neither do we. However, we've moved to using them because it makes the game better to play and also allows us to release new areas quicker.
We will never use "consumable" In-App Purchases, for example to buy virtual money in the game. We will only use them for when we occasionally release a significant new area to play in.
If you already have other My PlayHome apps installed on your device, My PlayHome Plus will detect them and remember that you own those areas.
After you see that My PlayHome Plus has given you access to those areas, you can delete the old My PlayHome app on your device to free up space.
Press the shopping icon on the title page and then press the "Restore Purchases" button at the bottom of the page. It will probably ask you for your App Store login and then you will get back all the areas you owned.
The in app unlocks are available to anyone within your Apple family accounts. Use the "Restore Purchases" button at the bottom of the in app purchase screen to activate them on other family devices
Unfortunately, neither Google Play nor Amazon allow you to share in-app purchases between different accounts.
All My PlayHome apps feature "Partner Play" which allows two people to play together on two devices. Each device must be in the same room. Partner Play does not work over the internet.
PartnerPlay uses Apple's MultiPeer Connectivity which allows two iPads to directly connect to each other without them having to connect to a router or hotspot. You can use it in the car, on a plane or anywhere. You just need to make sure wifi is turned on on both devices even if they are not connected to a router.
Android devices will need to be connected to a common wifi hotspot or router. They don't need wider internet access though.
Yes. It does not connect over the internet so the players must both be sitting near each other for it to work.
Start the app on both devices. The app should then automatically sense that another player is nearby and offer a special blue "Start" button next to the normal red start button on the title screen. Press that button and the other player should get a request in the app to join a game.
Yes! Partner Play now supports both iOS and Android devices.
However on Android, Partner Play is only available on My PlayHome Plus.